[Military parade on Riverside Drive, from near 90th Street.]
Riverside Drive N.E. cor.of 90th St.
Cyrus Clark's Old Residence. N.E. Corner Riverside Drive and 90th Street
Riverside Drive at 90th Street, Cyrus Clark's Residence and also the Residence of John H. Matthews
[House at Riverside Drive and 94th Street.]
[Houses of Riverside Drive and 94th Street.]
Riverside Drive at 94th Street.
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Liberty Loan posters attached to a fence on Riverside Drive and 90th Street.]
[Central Park West and 90th Street.]
[94th Street and Riverside Drive.]
Riverside Drive at 96th St.
258 Riverside Drive at the corner of West 98th Street. Peter Stuyvesant Apartment House.
Hudson River at West 90th Street
153 and 154 Riverside Drive near 74th Street. Two houses.
Riverside Drive and 92nd Street. Apartment house.
[Riverside Drive.]
Riverside Drive and 89th Street [Reade Street to Suffolk Street]
Riverside Drive at the corner of West 94th Street. Irving Arms Apartment House.
Riverside Drive at the S.E. corner of 99th Street. Clifden Apartment House.